Masterful Coaching Course: MCC Coaching Education
The Masterful Coaching Course is an MCC Coaching Education program that meets the criteria for Level 3 Coaching Education accreditation by the ICF. This is an advanced coaching course for PCC-credentialed coaches who wish to develop the art and skill of a masterful coach. The five-month program is a practicum that includes in-depth instruction and exploration on various advanced coaching topics, including: partnership and performance, coaching presence, vulnerability, assumptions, bias, confidence, and more. Participants will observe MCC coaches in action, and they will use these coaching demonstrations to label masterful coaching distinctions. Experienced coaches will expand their perspectives and deepen their understanding of their approach to coaching with many opportunities to practice, receive feedback, and meet one-on-once with an MCC Mentor Coach.
This course is taught by George Mason University’s MCC Director of Training, Ellen Fulton, whose previous Conversations2Mastery program successfully prepared numerous PCC coaches to earn the ICF Master Certified Credential. Once ICF accreditation is finalized at the conclusion of Cohort 1, graduates from this course will have met the ICF Coaching Education requirements needed to apply for the Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credential using the MCC application. All applicants must meet the ICF hours requirements and submit two recordings with their MCC application.
Masterful Coaching Course Learning Philosophy
The path to MCC-level coaching requires an introspective look at ourselves and how we authentically show up in partnership and full presence with our clients. At Mason, in this powerful adult learning environment, we will leverage the wisdom of your peers and what you bring to the group for increased learning and awareness. We have discovered that through real time conversations between experienced coaches with diverse backgrounds, we all accelerate in our growth.
To read the requirements for this program, please click here.
For more information, email us at or call us at (703) 993-6090.
+ Format and Tuition
Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 (Cohort 4)
Application deadline: August 1, 2025
Course Format
The Masterful Coaching Course is 100% virtual on Zoom. The course will be conducted over 5 months for 46.46 synchronous hours and 32.5 asynchronous hours. Synchronous class meetings happen 3 times per month. There are a total 16 synchronous class sessions during the course. Class meetings each month consist of 3 types of sessions: 1 four-hour in-depth education session; 1 two-hour and 15 minute demo and distinctions session; 1 two-hour and 15 minute practice coaching lab with feedback. Rounding out the synchronous meetings are three, one-hour, one-on-one mentor coaching sessions that participants will do with the course’s MCC coaching faculty. The course is delivered in English.
Throughout the 5-month course, participants will also dedicate time to asynchronous learning. Asynchronous activities include: three rounds of practice coaching in triads; transcription and self-review of triad coaching recordings; regular reflection posts to the course Blackboard Discussion Board; self-directed mindfulness practice; self-development project work. Practice coaching triads may choose to meet during the weeks that synchronous class sessions are not held.
Please find the detailed 2025-2026 schedule here.
Tuition: $7,595
- 10% discount for Mason alum, ICFDC members with promo code
- Cost of course texts is not included.
- Payment plans are available.
- 10% discount for organizations that send three or more participants
+ Course Meeting Dates
Synchronous class session dates (all times Eastern)
Tuesday, September 9 Setting the Foundation: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday, September 16 MCC Coaching Demonstration 1: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, September 23 Practice Coaching Lab 1: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, October 7 MCC Competency Distinctions: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday, October 14 MCC Coaching Demonstration 2: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, October 21 Practice Coaching Lab 2: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, November 4 Authentic Coach Presence: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday, November 11 MCC Coaching Demonstration 3: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, November 25 Practice Coaching Lab 3: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, December 2 Mid-Point: Where Are We Now?: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday, December 9 MCC Coaching Demonstration 4: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, December 16 Practice Coaching Lab 4: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, January 6 What Lens Are We Looking Through?: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday, January 13 MCC Coaching Demonstration 5: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, January 20 Practice Coaching Lab 5: 1:30pm – 3:45pm
Tuesday, February 10 Facilitating Coach Growth: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Learning Objective: Integrate Coach Learning from Self-Development project presentations, Completion, and Graduation.
In addition to the synchronous class sessions listed above, participants will do three one-on-one mentor coaching sessions and complete no less than 45 hours of asynchronous learning.
+ Features
- Build a strong foundation of awareness, practice, and embodiment of masterful coaching.
- Gain confidence and readiness for applying to the International Coaching Federation for the Master Certified Coaching (MCC) credential.
- Increase comprehension of masterful coaching distinctions
- Develop and deepen mindfulness practices
- Deepen integration of your unique coaching strengths and authentic coaching style
- Identify and eliminate invisible barriers to your mastery
- Experience the subtleties of true partnership
- Connect and grow in a collaborative community
+ Prerequisites / Requirements
All participants must hold and active ICF PCC credential in good standing to participate in the program.
Course graduates will complete the following synchronous and asynchronous activities:
Synchronous activities:
- Fully attend all class sessions
- Watch MCC coach demonstrations and label masterful coaching distinctions
- Participate in observed coaching sessions during in-class practice labs. Practice coaching labs count towards the ICF’s group mentor coaching requirement for the MCC credential
- Complete three 1:1 mentor coaching sessions with an MCC Coach Mentor
Asynchronous activities:
- Complete self-directed reading, assignments, and experiential exercises, including mindfulness practices
- Participate in regular reflection online using the Blackboard Discussion Board
- Complete three rounds of coaching in triads, including transcription, review, and self-assessment of your triad recordings
- Complete a Self-Development Project
+ Application
To apply to the Masterful Coaching Course: MCC Coaching Education, click on “Apply Now” on the top right hand side of the page and submit the following items:
- Confirmation you are a PCC in good standing with the ICF
- List of coaching hours at the date of your application submission and coaching education certifications you have completed
- Two letters of recommendation
- Your resume
- Application essay (approximately 1,000 words, double-spaced, 12pt font). The faculty reviewing your application are not reading for your accomplishments but instead to learn who you are as a coach and about your reflective capabilities. Please answer the following questions from a self-reflective viewpoint.
- Tell us about your own coaching development journey.
- How do you practice mindfulness and nurture your well-being?
- What are some of the strengths you bring to your coaching
- Where do you know your growth areas are as you step into masterful coaching?
+ Triad Coaching
There will be three rounds of triad coaching outside of synchronous class time. The triad will meet for a total of 3 hours each round. Each participant will take turns being coach, coachee, and observer. Each hour will follow this path:
- Coach will set coaching intent with the observer
- When coach and coachee are ready, they will record a 30-minute session
- Coach will reflect on her/his intention and the session
- Coachee will reflect on what worked well and what resonated and deepened the coaching session
- Observer will offer feedback about coaching intention and observations
After a coach has recorded a session, they will have it transcribed and do a thorough self-assessment to be submitted to their faculty mentor coach to review for their mentor coaching session.
+ Self-Development Project
Participants will explore their personal journey to knowing their own unique “being” as coach as it evolves over the course of the program. The project integrates the individual personal learning and discovery/expression of authentic presence. Through weekly inquiry, reflection, self-directed exercises, books, articles, and/or podcasts, participants will create a creative depiction of their evolution as a coach and present this in our final session as a cohort. Topics for your self-development project might include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Coaching strengths and opportunities
- Learning and communication styles (somatic, visual, cognitive, auditory, energetic, etc.
- Influence of culture and context
- Values Matrix
- Mindfulness practices
+ 1:1 Mentor Coaching Sessions
Each participant will meet a minimum of three times with a faculty member for 1:1 mentor coaching. These sessions will focus on the growth and development of the student coach and may include a review of a recording, live coaching between the mentor coach and student coach, or a deeper dive into questions, barriers, bias, or whatever the student coach deems helpful.
+ Designed For
This is an advanced coaching course for PCC-credentialed coaches who wish to develop the art and skill of a masterful coach.